emporia2007-08-03 21:43:36
我的laptop是的DEll的,现无法无线上网,用Repair,它显示“renewing your IP affress could not be completed. Refresh network list 显示”window can not configure this wireless connection. if youhave enabled another program to manage this wireless connection,use thatsoftware. if you want windows to configure this wireless connection,start the wireless zero configuration service. for information about starting the WZC service see article 871122 in the microsoft knowledge base on the microsoft.com website." 请各位帮忙解决此问题。
π2007-08-04 00:06:14
这段error message不是已经告诉你怎么做了吗?
emporia2007-08-04 02:36:32
回复:这段error message不是已经告诉你怎么做了吗?