WWWQ2007-08-19 01:39:41
wireless connection 也是好的, 但是IE 和FIREFOX说不能连到SERVER. 真不知道该咋办。
prima2007-08-19 02:13:40
open window
爱旅游的猪2007-08-19 02:16:12
i tried it, it is connected. help me..thanks
爱旅游的猪2007-08-19 02:16:47
sorry, this is my second ID.
爱旅游的猪2007-08-19 02:18:51
I guess if there is a problem with proxy, but I don't
carjack2007-08-19 02:32:36
It's common that winsock is damaged, need to fix LSP
爱旅游的猪2007-08-19 02:41:06
please help, how to fix that?
prima2007-08-19 02:49:44
from the DOS window again, enter:
winlinux2007-08-19 02:53:59
爱旅游的猪2007-08-19 02:59:52
i tried bigapple. i got the reply, the bytes, time
爱旅游的猪2007-08-19 03:00:50
yes, I did, it is correct. help me....
winlinux2007-08-19 03:11:44
回复:yes, I did, it is correct. help me....
爱旅游的猪2007-08-19 03:21:10
didn't work. what else i can do?
butdie2007-08-19 03:40:37
Provide info to get support
爱旅游的猪2007-08-19 03:55:45
butdie2007-08-19 03:59:46
software problem
prima2007-08-19 04:00:23
you internet connection seems ok, the IE has problems
butdie2007-08-19 04:04:19
another thought, does firefox use some proxying?
爱旅游的猪2007-08-19 04:11:25
it says "unable to connect"
butdie2007-08-19 04:13:15
disable all firewalls then.
爱旅游的猪2007-08-19 04:13:48
how to diable proxy? i don't see it in Control panel
butdie2007-08-19 04:15:22
in firefox preferences -> advanced -> proxies
爱旅游的猪2007-08-19 04:19:55
how to start firefox in safemode?
butdie2007-08-19 04:23:25
回复:disable all firewalls then.
爱旅游的猪2007-08-19 04:23:28
sorry, sir, I don't see firefox preference? where is it?
prima2007-08-19 14:47:35
Last msg: You may NOT have problems at all
carjack2007-08-19 15:46:35
回复:please help, how to fix that?
爱旅游的猪2007-08-19 22:45:46
thank you guys.
carjack2007-08-19 23:02:58
You can always reformat your drive and install a fresh OS
ohlalala2007-08-19 23:39:18
爱旅游的猪2007-08-20 00:01:02
not yet, u have any advice? please
爱旅游的猪2007-08-20 00:02:05
let me try, thanks.
ohlalala2007-08-20 01:56:29
show me "ipconfig /all" from cmd window
butdie2007-08-20 22:09:56