德州扒鸡2007-08-21 22:06:42
Hi all,

I'm trying to install dualboot on my PC. I have had the XP x64 installed. After that I installed the RHEL AS 4.0. The first time it worked ok, on startup I got the GRUB selection menu which let me choose which system I want to boot into. After that because of some hardware driver issue,I reinstalled (reformatted the disk) XP x64, right now I'm reinstalling RHEL AS 4.0. But no matter what I have done, the initial GRUB selection menu just wouldn't show up. Everytime I rebooted the computer, after the initial testing and some silent moment (with blank screen), the computer just booted right into XP. I think the disk partition is about the same as my first installation when the GRUB worked fine. My installation is as follows:

On the main disk (a WD SATA Raptor), the 1st 20GB is installed with XP system (NTFS), the next 80GB is installed with RHEL (1st 50MB allocated to /boot, 2nd 9GB to swap, others to /). Another disk (WD IDE) 1st 100GB allocated to windows (NTFS), the other 150GB to RHEL /home). For the bootloader, I selected to install the GRUB bootloader, and (to my memory) boot from /dev/sda6 (which was the location where the /boot was located).

I did some research on Google, one point they say is that the the boot sector (/boot) need to be located within the 1st 1024 sector (8.4GB) of the disk. I don't know if that's the problem. But I'm pretty sure the first time when I got the GRUB selection menu successfully loaded, I didn't install the /boot into the 1st 1024 sector.

Please help me to figure this out with a little bit detail. I have some knowledge about this bootloader stuff, but only at entry level.

Thanx in advance!
SunOfBeach2007-08-21 22:22:56
德州扒鸡2007-08-21 23:02:44
Thanks for the reply
流言蜚语2007-08-21 23:49:07
SunOfBeach2007-08-22 04:17:22
apparently vm is official software for google engineer
德州扒鸡2007-08-22 04:38:42
Official software for google engineer doesn't mean
烟圈2007-08-22 04:54:16
try GAG
SunOfBeach2007-08-22 04:59:23
there are two possibilities: first, you are more superior and
redman2007-08-22 05:22:26
Guys, no need to get personal, pls stick to the point
德州扒鸡2007-08-22 05:28:57
Thanks 流言蜚语
德州扒鸡2007-08-22 05:34:12
Yes, I don't know why this guy went that far on my original ques
流言蜚语2007-08-22 07:51:46
try check the menu.lst
SunOfBeach2007-08-22 15:20:13
i dont think i am the one get personal first. obviously someone
butdie2007-08-22 17:15:36
common n00b issue, read "grub rescue"
butdie2007-08-22 17:34:09
吴雨2007-08-22 17:43:38
try grldr
ohlalala2007-08-22 18:03:20
德州扒鸡2007-08-22 18:42:15
Thanks for the above responses
butdie2007-08-22 20:18:02
use swapfile instead of swap partition