badashanren2007-10-17 01:47:29
When I clik the my computer, the windows explorer opened. When I tried to use the search function, what appeared on the left side is totally blue space with only the golden dog and nothing else. I therefore cannot search anything.
I would appreciate very much, if any one could proved a clue to overcome this problem.
redman2007-10-17 02:06:42
U'r saying u dont have the menu to set the search criteria
badashanren2007-10-17 02:15:13
Yes, Redman, thanks alot!
badashanren2007-10-17 02:46:35
Nothing appears, However thank you again!
redman2007-10-17 03:24:25
Ok, try to re-register those dlls
redman2007-10-17 03:36:28
second one has been partially removed...
ohlalala2007-10-17 12:34:04
回复:second one has been partially removed...