飘飘长发2007-12-12 04:46:18
小妹有东芝L45笔记本是Vista operating system. But I know my machine is not capable to run vista so I need to downgrade to XP, but I was driven crazy through out the installation process:
(1) 用国产最新GHOST(电脑店专用)先把Hand Driver Partitioned;
(2) CD-Rom set as boot device, then run GHOST to install XP. It seems ok, looks like SATA driver is included in my booting disc.The entire installtion seems smooth and perfect.
(3) However, when I changed boot device back to hard disk booting after setting up in BIOS, but system would not boot up. Instead it asks for booting disc. In other words, it still cannot boot up from Hard driver.
(4) check hard driver again and it has been added some content, which I guess it is window XP OP.

yahoobb2007-12-12 04:57:38
飘飘长发2007-12-12 05:06:25
肝肠寸断散2007-12-12 05:21:24
NaCl2007-12-12 14:53:54
What exactly is the problem?
墨斗鱼2007-12-12 16:40:13
没有xxx才有新ZG2007-12-12 17:36:44
Try to DISABLE SATA support from your BIOS
墨斗鱼2007-12-12 22:27:13
什么是“GHOST装Windows XP”?
wskwntei2007-12-22 07:22:04
如何downgrade Vista to XP