Given condition:
别人call 我的main.html,传给我一个文件的url: texturl_1
1. in main.html:
1) get texturl_1
2) call a jsp with the text url: texturl_1
3) call a php with another text url: texturl_2
2. in 2.php
1)read "texturl_2" line by line,
2)if there is a mark "checkboxline" in a line, then post the line with check box (one line one check box), else just post it without check box
3)when "submit" botton is clicked, save all lines with the checked results to local text file "localtexturl_3"
4) call 2.php with the texturl_3: renew the page with new text file
求 code.. both html & php. 哭。