hippo3142008-02-16 00:13:54

做为一个长期在YOUTUBE上和各国反华份子战斗的中国人,我和我的战友们已经感到很累了,对于中国政府长期对西方媒体任意摸黑和污蔑中国而采取逃避和不追究责任的态度,我们的心里在流泪.我们不得不从YOUTUBE向全体中国人全体华人发出的求救,中国不能再做沉默羔羊了,最近全球最大视屏网站YOUTUBE出现大量反华人,反中国货视屏和言论, 各国政府和别有用心的已经把Youtube做为对国外年轻一代的反华教育平台, 里面国家包括越南,日本,美国,新加坡等国家人士,在YOUTUBE大力吹反中国货反华人言论,又加上国外媒体大量诬蔑和摸黑中国产品,中国政府又不做出任何法律行动,被误导的外国人有增无减,大家看下这些人在YOUTUBE上说些什么,

PingPongChinkies (6 hours ago) <-- 美国人
Chinese foods are too dangerous to touch. Even the toys are containing toxic and you are saying that these are all fake stories? I think Chinks are all fake, just like the Chinky made rolae watches...etc

bearMU (21 hours ago) <-- 越南人
Boycott Chinese toxic foods if you want to be alive , and want a goods health for your children.

jpcutejp (21 hours ago) <-- 日本人
俺も中国の一般市民を非難しているわけではない。共産党の悪魔のような所業を非難しているだけだ。共産党と中国の一般市民は違う からね。

fvgotch (3 days ago) <-- 韩国人
Regarding this Dumpling chaos, I choose Japanese side, atleast there are some degree of justice and fairness in Japanese society. Chinese lie and distort facts, they never admit they are wrong nor apologize for once, the country is overflowing with thieves and crook who wants to steal or con people. When S. Korean government contributes financial aid to chinese in Korea for some misfortunes, chinese are happy to take the money but backstabs Koreans in the end. This is the REAL China!

mayyoubekind (1 day ago) <-- 美国人
Outrage Beijing Olympic ban free speak
Beijing Olympics copy cat Berlin Olympics tactic. In 1936, persecution of the Jews was stopped briefly, dissidents were rounded up and kept out of the way and Nazi Germany put on its best face for the Games. And that is exactly what the Chinese are doing today with Tibet, FalunGong and Chinese dissidents. Its continuing crackdown on freedom of speech and the press; China's sketchy record on human rights; its brutal repression of Tibet and inaction in Darfur

越南人最近在YOUTUBE上的反华言论越来越多,基本上YOUTUBE上越南的comment都是反华的,这点不得不值得我们警惕, 中国政府如果再采取任由西方报纸和媒体污蔑和戏弄,将来后果不堪设想,现在效应还没大只是时间问题, 等时间一到,中国将面临不堪设想的损失和后果, 作为中国人,我们对政府的态度提出严肃警告,因为这关系到每一个中国人将来的利益,关系到中国在国际间的形象,请各位网友转发给各国内网站, YOUTUBE中国自由战士向你们致敬.
π2008-02-16 01:15:05
衷吏2008-02-16 03:12:03
butdie2008-02-16 20:25:33
砖头哥2008-02-16 23:40:45
lywhlywh2008-02-18 05:35:53
超级松鼠2008-02-23 04:46:15
mimin2008-02-29 22:13:41
danial2008-03-02 01:34:01
先处理国内的批评声音吧。 国内的都摆不平,还国外?
WayCool2008-03-02 21:54:06