问题?2004-01-04 21:16:00
Question about truncation point move


I got confused about "truncation point move"...

1. secondary truncation point move only if submit to RS successfully (IBQ). even if it has not commited?
or it should only move if apply to RDB successfully or OBQ succesfully (fully commited)

2. when will primary truncation point move? After it commited in PDB? what does " has finished processing." mean?

attached here is the info I got from Sybase Web site and fast track to rep

thank you very much,

1.Each primary database maintains primary and secondary truncation points in its database log. The primary truncation point marks the last log record Adaptive Server has finished processing. The secondary truncation point normally marks the log record that contains the begin transaction command for the oldest open transaction not yet fully applied by Replication Server. Replication Server stores a copy of the latest secondary truncation point in the rs_locater table of the

2.once records are written to the IBQ, Rreplication Server notifies the repagent so that it can move the secondary truncation point in the PDB log.

3.truncation point
An Adaptive Server database that holds primary data has an active truncation point, marking the transaction log location where Adaptive Server has completed processing. This is the primary truncation point.

The RepAgent for an Adaptive Server database maintains a secondary truncation point, marking the transaction log location separating the portion of the log successfully submitted to the Replication Server from the portion not yet submitted. The secondary truncation point ensures that each operation enters the replication system before its portion of the log is truncated.

