internuts2008-05-25 02:57:02
My website is a formal one with meta tag to optimize the search results. In my domain name, there are two concatenated strings: When I use xxxxxxx as a keyword to search in google, it won't show. I tried yahoo and msn, all the same, - no show.

I think my domain should be on the 3rd on google search result. The first one and second are: and Mine should be in third logically because mine is There are no other domains having string of xxxxxxx.

Now what do I need to do to resolve this issue? I emailed to google, yahoo and msn to inquire but couple days past no words.

Any advices are appreciated!

internuts2008-05-25 04:20:59
Website design experts -- please help!!
不提也罢2008-05-25 04:35:39
submit your site to Google, Yahoo, and MSN first
internuts2008-05-25 06:05:39
Thank you so much!! I have just sent to google.
不提也罢2008-05-25 16:06:42
回复:Thank you so much!! I have just sent to google.
internuts2008-05-26 06:06:59
Thank you again!!