amanma2008-11-15 06:29:01
I have set up two accounts in window xp, one administrator and one user. The administrator account is password protected. However, every time when I start the computer, it directly goes into the administrator account without asking for password. If I log out the admin account and need to re-enter again, it will ask for the password. Does anyone know how I can have the administrator account password protected when I start up the computer? Thank you in advance.
lovelacetom2008-11-15 08:09:24
Control Panel--->User Accounts--> Change the way uers log on or
lovelacetom2008-11-15 08:11:24
cancel option --use the welcome screen
amanma2008-11-15 16:52:24
thank you, lovelacetom. But it only changes the interface, but
lovelacetom2008-11-16 13:00:08
after that,, when u login need to click ok! ctrl+alt +delete +s