贝儿2008-12-06 00:02:53
I'm writing a VB.Net application which will be used by multiple users on multiple computers. My application needs to open a PDF file on the same network that only one net user has the access to it.

I had two ways in my mind to do it:

(1) Using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(filename, username, password, domain).

I got an error message says: The parameter is not correct.

(2) To log in the network as the user who has the access.

Just couldn't find the way after searching online for hours.

Anyone has VB.Net experience, please help me out here. Or just provide a little hint. Your reply will be greatly appreciated.

tty2008-12-06 00:25:44
check topics in impersonation
贝儿2008-12-06 04:50:26
Thank you so very much. I'll go check right now.