dannyiii2009-05-07 21:29:18
Sorry, I'm still not get it, how to setup voice mail???
you said:
其實更合理的設置是:把ipkall forward到voxalot而不是到VoipDiscount。注意免費的voxalot account好像只支持一條進線。不過forwad進來的可能不算一條線,所以你還是可以將voxalot register到VoipDiscount。

Where do I can regist Voxalot in VoipDiscont??

And how to transfer my current phone to the IP phone??

Thanks a lot!
fitwxc2009-05-08 03:07:49
回复:请教fitwxc: How to setup voice mail?? Phone # Transfer??
dannyiii2009-05-08 19:51:06
Thank much! I'll felllow the guide!