NIWbaby2009-05-28 20:24:21

The height of my firefox toolbar is huge.
DjTer2009-05-28 21:07:38
把屏幕的解析度给调高了, 或者调一下DPI.
NIWbaby2009-05-28 21:14:14
爱在深深秋2009-05-28 23:25:04
点右键,在 customize 里 改成 use small icon?
niwbaby2009-05-29 04:07:42
does not work !
赤城霞起2009-05-29 06:07:36
Check this website, It may help you...
NIWbaby2009-05-29 14:40:21
回复:Check this website, It may help you...
赤城霞起2009-05-30 00:43:39
You can use same way to change default font.size