喝醉了的密码2009-06-13 06:44:32

without Sidney Cro*****y for most of the game, the skilled and youthful Pitt*****urgh Penguins could not be kept from the Stanley Cup. Maxime Talbot scored two goals and Marc-Andre Fleury made huge saves during a desperate third-period barrage as the Penguins defeated the Detroit Red Wings 2-1 in Friday's gripping Game 7 to win the Cup. "It was so hard watching the clock tick down for the third period," said Cro*****y, who played one short shift after leaving the game early in the second period with a knee injury. "But everything it took to win, we did it -- blocking shots, great goaltending, having different guys step up." The Penguins won a third Cup in their history and their first since capturing back-to-back championships in 1991 and 1992. It was a first for the Penguins' new wave of young talent, led by Cro*****y, Fleury, Evgeni Malkin, Jordan Staal and others, who are expected to be an NHL power for years to come. "We'll have a great core for the next couple of years and I can see great things for this team in the future, but right now, I'm going to enjoy this," Talbot said. The Penguins did it with consecutive 2-1 victories after they were left reeling by a 5-0 loss in Game 5 in Detroit a week ago. But Fleury bounced back from being chased from that game with two exceptional outings while the older, injury-riddled Red Wings faltered. Cro*****y played just one shift in the third period after a knee injury early in the second period on a hit by Red Wings forward Johan Franzen. But nothing could prevent the 21-year-old from rushing onto the ice to join the celebration, or from hoisting the Cup, one year after suffering a heartbreaking loss to Detroit in the final.