thefact2004-01-23 19:22:00
I'm trying to convert some video tapes into DVD. First I captured the video into MP2 format using PowerVCR, then burnt the MP2 files into DVD format using Nero 6. But when I tried to view the DVD on my computer (with a DVD player software), I could only see the picture but no sound. Then I tried to open the file on the DVD, I could be able to see the pics and the sound, but the pics and sound are asynchronized. Does anyone out there know the probelm? And do you know if there's a software that can capture the video directly onto the DVD without the MP2 conversion step as I'm using?

Thanx in advance.

cwa2004-01-23 19:50:00
check this one out
thefact2004-01-23 22:20:00
Thanx very much. I'll try it.