thefact2005-02-18 20:41:09
Hi all,

My real-time virus scan find a virus or spyware called spyw_marktscor.a in my notebook, but the affected file is c:\System Volume Information\_restore{...}\RP329\A0126101.exe, which is not accessable. DOes anyone out there know how to remove this virus?

Thanks in advance!
你应该勤快点儿2005-02-18 20:59:31
Phenix2005-02-18 21:10:05
回复:Delete a virus or spy file
PhuckGod2005-02-18 21:59:46
Un-hide Operating System Files
thefact2005-02-18 22:05:20
回复:回复:Delete a virus or spy fi
thefact2005-02-18 22:09:52
回复:Un-hide Operating System Fi
tttt032005-02-18 22:29:10
回复:Delete a virus or spy file
就可以了2005-02-20 02:25:59
xp pro? change the privilege