ieeee2009-08-13 06:16:35
我按照你link 看了一些, 然后依照如下步骤设置了. 可以接电话,
但是我diao out的时候, 总是说 " this number is not available for call return". 请问为什么?


From fixup77:

1) In your Google Voice, let it forward to Gizmo5 (1747xxxxxxx).

2) Register to

Create a new SIP account. Add your Gizmo5 to SIP Provider (in this example, the name is "Gizmo5"), make sure you see it is registered.

3) Register your PAP2 to

In sipsorcery website, make sure you see your ATA is registered. Its dialplan must allow 1xxx-xxx-xxxx dials. You must use stun (such as, NAT Mapping and NAT keep alive.

4) Add a dialplan.

This is the key part. Copy and paste this code to the default dialplan in sipsorcery. If you use a different name than Gizmo5, changed it all. Of course you need to put in your GV account, password and gizmo5 #. That's it, nothing else to change at least for now.

Make a call to your GV # from a cellphone and talk for a minute to make sure this setup works for incoming calls.

Now dial 19093900003 (echo service) from your phone (ATA), you should be connected beautifully.


# Dial Plan Generated by Rubyzard v0.1
# If you need help, please post in our forum

# SIP tracing : true or false
sys.Trace = false

sys.Log("call from #{req.Header.From.FromURI.ToString()} to #{req.URI.User}.")

if sys.In then
# Do your INCOMING call processing customisations here.
if sys.IsAvailable() then
sys.Dial("Enter Number@Gizmo5",30)
sys.Respond(480, "#{sys.Username} Not available")
sys.Dial("Enter Number@Gizmo5",30)
sys.Respond(480, "#{sys.Username} Not available")

# Do your OUTGOING call processing customisations here.
case req.URI.User
#when /^1/ then sys.Dial("Gizmo5")
when /^1/ then sys.GoogleVoiceCall("","password","1747XXXXXXX","#{req.URI.User}")
else sys.Dial("Gizmo5")


fitwxc2009-08-13 06:59:55
回复:请问关于"不需要电脑的GV 拨号" -- fitwcx
ieeee2009-08-14 04:11:40
Working now. fitwxc高人呀, 服了.. 还有小问题/
fitwxc2009-08-14 05:36:06
在你的ATA里加上"“, 詳見我前面關于dial plan的帖子