X-man0012009-09-07 07:01:58
The contract between iPhone and at&t will expire next year. Will iphone change to Verizon network and becomes CDMA? Iphone brought 9 million users to AT&T, many of which will switch to verizon as soon as the switch takes place. 34% of those who like iphone but did not sign up with AT&T because at&t is the reason. 20% of iPhone users live in San francisco or NYC. During peak time, people experience lots of dropped calls and no 3G network. I hope that iphone becomes CDMA so that I can use PP with an unlocked one.
fitwxc2009-09-07 09:56:38
我也曾很想有iPhone,但我發現HTC Diamond其實更好
X-man0012009-09-07 17:28:53
Largo2009-09-07 17:38:07
大屏幕可以选 touch pro 2 或 touch hd.
X-man0012009-09-07 18:18:22
我喜欢touch pro 2,但不想要键盘。HTC Diamond 2 可能更好。
中北2009-09-07 19:26:51
fitwxc2009-09-07 19:28:34
X-man0012009-09-07 20:26:22
所以要在Diamond 3 出炉的时候买Diamond 2
X-man0012009-09-07 20:35:25
我觉得HTC买iPhone OS 的可能性不大,起码短期内不会。
Largo2009-09-08 02:38:16
恰恰相反,htc 如果用iPhone OS 那么就死定了