难得清楚2010-01-07 06:21:49
When I watch Go game at tom.com, it could only display some of the chinese charactors correctly as shown below. The adobe flash player is used to display the game online. So it may have something to do with the flash player. Anyone can tip me how to solve the problem? Thank you very much in advance.

黑方:¹ÅÁ¦ ¾Å¶Î
白方:¹ÅÁéÒæ Îå¶Î

NaCl2010-01-07 18:35:45
回复:Try to set unicode to Chinese.
飞杨2010-01-07 22:25:15
Their GO board is a Java program
难得清楚2010-01-08 03:13:38
回复:Their GO board is a Java program
飞杨2010-01-08 20:27:23
回复:回复:Their GO board is a Java program
难得清楚2010-01-09 04:24:24
You're right! It is the same in Vista. I never thought it had