internuts2010-07-30 14:48:41
Hi gurus,
I have a large file about 2.5gb. what is the best way to transfer to a friend in China? Those are personal photos, don't feel like using an open storage like MediaFire etc (unless passwords can be used). Any suggestions? Thx.
π2010-07-30 15:07:36
You can archive the files using password first,
lanyu2010-07-30 19:01:43 50G free
桥盲2010-07-30 19:41:52
zip it
internuts2010-07-31 03:56:38
Daytime was busy didn't get a chance to check here, thx everyon
flywhc2010-07-31 14:39:01
flywhc2010-07-31 14:42:08
internuts2010-07-31 23:47:52
Thank you. FTP is good but donno how to set up in server...
internuts2010-07-31 23:49:01
This is a simple one. a little slow upload tho
internuts2010-07-31 23:53:47
not sure extracting from zipped will lose some pixils
flywhc2010-08-02 01:29:43