凹凸UT2010-08-15 19:21:02
我的Lenovo IdeaPad S10是个不带CDROM drive的Netbook小机子,最近出事了:
Windows启动后除了显示一下Windows XP的Logo外即进入永久死循环,且无法用其OneKey
Rescue Systen button拯救。初步判断需重装Windows。因机子不带CDROM drive,重
装无法入手。试过一下UBS drive,无反应。Frustrating中。。。

LAChinese2010-08-15 20:47:21
Did you move the USB drive to the first boot option?
凹凸UT2010-08-15 21:13:54
回复:Did you move the USB drive to the first boot option?
LAChinese2010-08-15 22:12:18
Changing a PC's Boot Order in the BIOS.
凹凸UT2010-08-15 23:01:59
回复:Changing a PC's Boot Order in the BIOS.
LAChinese2010-08-15 23:18:12
I don't know. For my S10e, I did change USB CDROM
95182010-08-16 01:26:41
把外置的USB CD-ROM接上,开机的时候按F12就有得给你选了。
凹凸UT2010-08-16 05:50:41
谢9518. 有反应,有希望。拟买USB CD-ROM,再作一试。I'll keep you updated.