如此 V-Buzzer, 吃你不吐骨!
-- 揭晒 Vbuzzer 的 坑蒙拐骗 伎俩
Vbuzzer 是 根于加拿大的一个 收费 网路电话“公司”,
用了它 两三年了吧, 偶尔用起, 不常用,
上次 再缴费(充值)20 美刀,用了1-2次, 账号内 尚余 月15美刀,
大约 一年未用了, 前几天 说查看一下 账内 balance, 结果 惊人:
1. 看不到 以往 显示的 : balance $, usage $, 剩余额,等,account info
2. 联系了一下 vbuzzer 的 客服,答案 雷人! 本人 账号内 原有的 十几美刀 不翼而飞,
vbuzzer 还振振有词: 曰: 若 一段时间 未用vbuzzer, 将 每月 扣除 $2.50 美刀 的 “不用费”。
3. 现将 联系记录 公布如下:
Subject: Paid but account not credited 2010-08-17 12:47:42 【user's name】
Payment method:Paypal
Paypal transaction ID:
Payment Date:2009
1. i paid you,
2. i have money in my account at vbuzzer,
3. i have not used v-b for a bout a year,
4. now, i can not see my activities and my account balance, why??? thanks for your attention to fix this problem, and let me know the result, 【user's name】
vbuzzer 的 答复:
Subject: Re: Paid but account not credited 2010-08-18 10:19:58
Vbuzzer Support
Hello, According to our terms of service,
an inactivity fee of $2.50/month will be charged to Your Account starting 120 days after your last chargeable use of the Services.
Vbuzzer Support Team
High quality, low price ... buzz the world!
Subject: Re:Paid but account not credited 2010-08-23 10:33:22 【user's name】
hi,thanks for your response, you never informed, notified me of such terms of service, or any of notices regarding this matter, this is stealing, and cheating, if this is the way you do business, i think this is the end of yours, good luck,
vbuzzer vhy bother~?