forgetusernameagain2010-08-27 03:06:14

Saw a lot of posts about VOIP long time ago, decided to setup VOIP just now. Wonder the SAP1001 at Amazon, is it unlocked or not? What does it (locked or unlocked) mean actually? If not, how do I unlock it?

Also, does it work with GMAIL to phone call?

Thanks for your help.
chat0922010-08-28 13:15:55
回复:VOIP Adaptor locked vs unlocked?
chat0922010-08-28 13:44:46
sorry, gmail or softphone does not need any ATA
forgetusernameagain2010-08-28 16:10:51
回复:回复:VOIP Adaptor locked vs unlocked?
beHappyLOL2010-08-28 21:03:25
VOIP Adaptor locked vs unlocked
forgetusernameagain2010-08-29 14:58:29
回复:VOIP Adaptor locked vs unlocked