haibianren2010-10-26 21:49:01

我的emachines E725, 用了半年, 其他都挺好,就是最后一个USB 接口也坏了(总共2个)。现在没有办法连打印机,摄像头,转照片。不知有什么办法? 能修吗? 多谢了!

LAChinese2010-10-26 22:29:58
Is it on warranty?
?ttу2010-10-26 22:49:54
买个usb to lan adapter 通过wifi/lan接usb devices
haibianren2010-10-26 23:36:41
回复:Is it on warranty?
flywhc2010-10-27 00:00:00
LAChinese2010-10-27 00:08:10
emachines E725 doesn't have PC card port.
internuts2010-10-27 04:11:38
Most have one year manufacturer's warranty
novtim22010-10-27 04:25:05
usually it's physical connection issue, needs re-solding
novtim22010-10-27 04:27:10
open box and