DELL41002003-09-18 00:44:00
My laptop was suddenly choked (all the programs being launched were frozen) accompanying with click sound from the hard disk drive. A warning menu popped out
saying "Beginning dump of physical memory. Physical memory bump complete". I thus shutdown the system immediately in a normal way (Start -> Shut Down -> turn off), since it did not died and could restore once in a while. It was very hot that day (room temperature about 90F, no air conditioner) and the laptop had been running
for many hours.

The next morning when it was cool I tried to turn on the computer, however, it could not start up anymore. Saying: "Primary hard disk drive 0 not found. No bootable devices - strike F1 to retry boot, F2 for set-up utility". But no matter hit F1 or F2 for n times, it appears the same message. I took the hard disk out and
could not found any problem from the appearance, but after put it back and turn on the computer, I still end up the same above message. Therefore, I think something was wrong with the hard disk, but I do not know how to make a further troubleshooting.

Are there any chance to recover the disk?
If yes, how to do next steps?
If no, how to backup the files from the bad disk?

By the way, it is a DELL INSPIRON 4100 laptop with Windows XP. I bought it about 20 months ago, unfortunately, the one-year warranty has expired.

Any advice, suggestions or comments are very welcome. Thank you!

Crawfish882003-09-18 01:24:00
Put it into freezer
bmw325i2003-09-18 01:27:00
HD's dead,buy a new one
Help_need2003-09-18 04:23:00
回复:Urgent help