在外靠朋友2010-12-09 08:11:43

我有个本本是用的 CELERON M 900 我有个T2250(别的本本的,主板坏啦)

可以把m900 换成 t2250 么,需要改bios么

交流什么2010-12-09 10:10:50
和主频率有关。可以到bio 里查一下有没有改变频率的选项。
chat0922010-12-09 13:09:40
socket 要一样,一个是Socket P 一个是socket M
九叔2010-12-09 15:23:57
wooddiy2010-12-09 15:25:19
It is not that easy. You have limited choices
wooddiy2010-12-09 15:45:22
Well, you may not have played with the internal that much
九叔2010-12-09 16:55:08
wooddiy2010-12-09 20:00:22
I think you are partly correct
piano_fan2010-12-11 04:41:45