peterpang2004-02-18 13:34:51
I have a table named D&WContracts.
I can querry it by select * from "T&WContracts" ,I just put the whole table into double quote. It works for me.
But it did not work on one developer's machine. it conplained the special charactor '&'. We both have SQL server 2k client installed.
One solution I tried is that 'set quoted_quolifier on' on her machine. but it is not working. Acctually by default it already turned on.
I also tried reinstalled the sql2k client for her, It doesn't work.
Any other possible solution?
Thanks a lot.
f642004-02-18 16:59:38
try [T&WContracts]
peterpang2004-02-18 17:27:53
回复:try [T&WContracts]
DBDB2004-02-18 18:49:48
Avoid any Bitwise Keywords