BMW325I2004-02-18 20:41:50

Tiger Direct has integrated 1.2 ghz cpu and sdram slot motherboard combo for $63-$53 mail in rebate = $10 + shipping

Tiger Direct has integrated 1.3 ghz cpu and ddr ram slot motherboard combo for $60-$55 mail in rebate = $5 + shipping. Thanks kevlar3d

*NOTE* the cpus aren't upgradable they are all in one motherboard and cpu combo.
Submariner2004-02-18 21:08:19
Who know how Via CPUs compare?
就是便宜2004-02-18 21:18:31
Submariner2004-02-18 22:13:11
Obsolete tech,can't sell 4 >$5
f642004-02-19 01:11:47
plus, rip off your money
1G足够快了2004-02-19 13:41:26
做日常办公使用很好。我给我老婆配的就是via c3。