The concept of rational structure was suggested in 2000. A flat material distribution is called the rational structure if there exists a special net of orthogonal curves on the plane, and the ratio of mass density at one side of a curve (from the net) to the one at the other side is constant along the curve. Such curve is called a proportion curve. Such net of curves is called an orthogonal net of proportion curves. Eleven years have passed and a rational sufficient condition for given material distribution is finally obtained. This completes the mathematical basis for the study of rational structure and its galaxy application. People can fit the stellar distribution of a barred spiral galaxy with exponential disk and dual-hand structure by varying their parameter values. If the conjecture is proved that barred galaxies satisfy a rational suffcient condition then the assumption of galaxy rational origin will be established.
"This paper completes the mathematical basis for the study of rational structure, and presents the galaxy conjecture that barred galaxies are all rational structure in excited minus state. The conjecture can be proved or disaproved by the straightforward testification that the quantity
(−B −√Δ)∇f ・ ∇(B/A) + 2A∇f ・ ∇(C/A)
is zero for the barred pattern. We look forward to the experts in numerical calculation who fulfil the call. If the conjecture is proved, we will see the light pointing to the discovery of the secret of life and the universe. Otherwise, mankind would continue to seek the truth under the darkness."