OKLAR2011-07-05 21:28:02

各位大虾, 有没有其他service,类似于google voice的。家里电话号码转上手机,再想转google voice, 不浪转, 也不给理由 气死我了!计划全给打软。

playForever2011-07-05 22:45:27
what's the reason, I am in the same situation.
时来运砖2011-07-05 22:48:17
哪公死的手鸡? 我正从ATT GOPHONE转GV. 等明天看结果.
playForever2011-07-05 22:55:17
how many days would it take from att go to GV ?
时来运砖2011-07-05 22:57:19
GV says it should be done in less than 24 hrs. Waiting...
时来运砖2011-07-06 15:02:13
porting successful!
yifan992011-07-06 22:01:21
I ported ItalkBB to T-mobile prepaied, and then transferred to G