stone_cold_fox2011-07-17 17:51:55
IS this a good deal?

它家最近有back to school deal for MAP 13

Apple 13.3" MacBook Pro dual-core Intel Core i5 2.3GHz
-$ 40 (after mail-in rebate)

Plus, I can get $170 in Free Mac products (after mail-in rebate): Free Parallels (great for running Windows on a Mac - $79.99 value) and Free Dell All-In-One Printer ($89.99 value).

用户名被占用了2011-07-17 17:58:21
Parallel is a software simulator ...
stone_cold_fox2011-07-17 18:14:01
Can I install Microsoft office for PC on MAC using this software
用户名被占用了2011-07-17 19:58:00
of course, it is a full-featured PC environment
stone_cold_fox2011-07-17 21:24:33
Macbook Pro with lots of RAM is recommended--which one? Thanks!
用户名被占用了2011-07-18 00:42:10
回复:Macbook Pro with lots of RAM is recommended--which one? Thank
stone_cold_fox2011-07-18 03:34:14
回复:回复:Macbook Pro with lots of RAM is recommended--which one? Th