安贝儿2011-08-17 16:09:19



2。购买时应该注意哪些功能?如CPU 型号等。

3。哪些附加功能最能带来方便?如finger print functions etc.

那天去BestBuy 看了下,发现Samsung 的手提挺漂亮。电脑额很外行。所以不敢光靠直觉和外观就下单。

Samsung, HP,和 Dell, 哪家好些?最近Dell 股大跌,为什么呀!

playdoh22011-08-17 16:33:33
I switched to Macbook.
安贝儿2011-08-17 16:40:38
i have a macbook, i am running pc flatform on it...
playdoh22011-08-17 16:52:20
Twice the price, half the performance :)
安贝儿2011-08-17 17:17:23
没办法。额要用remote desktop...
安贝儿2011-08-17 19:24:27
sounds like you need a better OS, like XP.
flywhc2011-08-18 06:29:49
playdoh22011-08-18 18:35:43
I was talking about pppoe over wi-fi.