令人心曠神怡的水世界3D桌面 Watery Desktop 3D v3.1.5.0中文版
水桌面3D是一个三维动画墙纸,可以把水,雨,海浪等放在你的桌面上,桌面就会变成水动态效果。第一次执行这程式的时候令我联想起一个以前在网页中常见的 水中涟漪 java 特效从 Watery Desktop 3D 这名字就可以想像是指水一样的桌面Watery Desktop 3D 除了是一个动态的桌面"水"效果,还是一个荧幕保护而且有多种不同形式所产生的水效果你可以在心境平静的时候将桌面设为点点细雨或浪漫的小涟漪也可以在烦 躁的时候将桌面设为滂沱大雨甚至波涛汹涌.......
Add a life on your desktop wallpaper!Watery Desktop 3D will animate your wallpaper with effects of water,such as waves and a rain. It also a screensaver which floods yourscreen, you'll see how everything on your desktop will be sunk in water.
This application works under Windows Vista and Windows XP,and requires DirectX 9.
It is configurable to get the best performance from your
hardware configuration.