hnnydx2011-09-24 21:39:59

用的是cable,  如果直接连到电脑,非常快没有什么问题,如果先连到router上面,每过一段时间,就断,然后会时不时的自己连上。请问,这是什么问题啊。要怎么解决? 谢谢

vtcc2011-09-24 22:01:17
How old is your router?
hnnydx2011-09-24 22:40:41
回复:How old is your router?
gulala2011-09-25 02:39:52
haha, did u check the setup of ur router?
vtcc2011-09-25 03:10:52
If I were you.
just4fun20072011-09-25 16:13:06
是不是 cable 信号强度有改变?
just4fun20072011-09-25 16:16:47
just4fun20072011-09-25 16:20:33
dj22011-09-25 17:46:45
I agree with VTCC. My router has been used for 4 years. Recent