meiyouyong2011-10-19 00:40:49

Today I tried to open a file on a USB flash drive. After I indert the drive, but was told that I have to format it before using. In fact I used it well yesterday. There are some very important files, including a presentation. What is problem? Are there any ways to avoid formating and reach the files on the drive?

Please help. Crying begging!

mc33612011-10-19 00:41:51
use dropbox in the future
meiyouyong2011-10-19 01:15:27
What is dropbox? Helpful for this time? Thanks.
mc33612011-10-19 01:31:29
dropbox is an online storage service
mc33612011-10-19 01:32:23
this time you probably need to use linux and dd
名要正言要顺2011-10-19 15:05:30
meiyouyong2011-10-19 17:24:23
试了能试的,从win 7 到 Vista, XP, 都一样.Google到了一个免费软件,还没敢试呢.