supermay2011-11-18 04:44:43

Recently my monitor doesn't work. It keeps on blinking. When I turn it on, it shows digital/analog and always shows auto adjustment. Does anyone know what is the problem? Video card?Thanks

just4fun20072011-11-18 04:49:45
MC3361 has lots of experience with monitors.
村口阿牛2011-11-18 07:19:30
try to shutdown your monitor's power and turn it on again
mc33612011-11-18 11:35:09
bsm2011-11-18 14:29:09
多启动几次,或用Safe mode可以起来吗?可能电解电容坏了,几毛钱一个
bsm2011-11-19 00:02:12
村口阿牛2011-11-19 08:52:44