tsc122011-12-20 21:19:31


iOS 4.3以上版本,然后用蓝牙做tethering

你请我近BA2011-12-20 21:30:14
You can plug in USB to iPone, the other USB end to your computer
tsc122011-12-20 21:53:10
mc33612011-12-20 22:07:35
pair devices 然后 connect
tsc122011-12-20 22:12:02
iPhone 4 and iPad 2 can not discover each other
mc33612011-12-20 22:13:31
必须让对方发现自己才行,in discoverable mode
tsc122011-12-20 22:17:42
Both are in discover mode but can not see each other
mc33612011-12-20 22:19:19
不知道 我用的是sony tm506 和 ipod touch 上网很流畅