DarkLight2004-03-01 23:41:10
Just want share some exp. with BT fan using Optimum Online.

If your upload speed setting is unlimited, you could get capped on your upload speed which would greatly
negate your download speed. I talked to an optimum online tech guy and found this to be the reason my download speed becomes much slower after great first few days.

Anyone has experiences of dealing with this issue?
温州人在纽约2004-03-02 01:15:31
没人愿做傻子2004-03-02 04:44:19
你下载啥?!2004-03-02 06:06:13
另一小网站却能,急~2004-03-02 06:23:10
最近BT China有点问题吧?我看到很多种子就是不能下载,