HeiTian2004-03-06 21:52:41
The thing is owesome these days .My laptop always in a shut down automaticly in one minute.I just tried to kill the Nimda virus yesterday,but it seems it still doesn't work. Computer reminds me to be a NT/Authority/system question.Help !I'm now on the public terminal waiting for the answer.Thank you.
écho2004-03-06 22:06:11
回复:Laptop always shut down
Heitian2004-03-06 22:12:41
Just download the w32 blaster
écho2004-03-06 22:31:30
see if there is a file called msblast.exe on your computer?
No_Owesome2004-03-06 23:34:10
U mean awful? Awesome is good!