kf_ying2003-09-20 22:08:00
I have two PC: A can B. both use win2k. and they use the same hub, and the hub connects to a cable modem. pc A connects to a printer, I'm trying to make the printer available to PC B too. and I found the following question:
A's IP: 66.31.**.***
B's IP: 24.128.**.***

how could A and B's IP so different while using the same hub? and the two PC can not ping each other using those IP.
Following network components are installed in both PC:
Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)
File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
Client for Microsoft Networks

Thanks for any help!

伦敦的灰雾2003-09-21 00:18:00
Change IPs to a same segment
kf_ying2003-09-21 04:16:00
伦敦的灰雾2003-09-21 10:58:00
It's a long story.
placerk2003-09-21 15:50:00
回复:wierd IP
kf_ying2003-09-22 04:55:00
回复:回复:wierd IP
placerk2003-09-22 17:21:00
回复:回复:回复:wierd IP