4112013-07-22 04:40:12

我有一个USB adapter. 但接上后, 接到一台Win 7的机子上, 提示“You don't currently have permission to access this folder."
我原来的机子用的是Windows XP.  哪位高人有办法? 多谢!

4112013-07-22 04:49:50
回复:旧电脑坏了. 如何把硬盘my documents文件夹中的文件读出来?
slow_quick2013-07-22 05:11:49
回复:回复:旧电脑坏了. 如何把硬盘my documents文件夹中的文件读出来?
wooddiy2013-07-22 16:45:22
Linux, Mac OSX ...
希腊孤客2013-07-22 17:19:04
right click folder to property->security, and change the permiss
希腊孤客2013-07-22 17:20:02
change to allow and Full control.
希腊孤客2013-07-22 17:23:44
or, click Advanced->Change Permissions to change it.
slow_quick2013-07-22 19:01:44
杀鸡用牛刀,chmod -R 777
4112013-07-27 17:31:21
希腊孤客, slow_quick, wooddiy, thank you so much for your help.