ymmud2013-09-07 17:45:37

Account Information for xxx-xxx-2947

MDN: xxx-xxx-2947

MSID: xxxxxx0975

MSL: 568473

ESN: xxxx35456413947508

If you are trying to update your device, first attempt a PRL Update or "Update Profile" - these may work to fill in the correct information for you.

If you are looking to manually program our phone, here are a few basic steps that work for most devices:
Dial ##568473#
Update the MSID and the MDN to the settings above.
Click 'Save' or 'Update.' Your phone will likely reboot.

拨了##568473#老是提示invalid让联系customer service, 不过CS的电话从来没打通过。 怎么做PRL update?手机上没找到相应的选项。

ymmud2013-09-07 19:33:31
bob20132013-09-07 20:29:19
ymmud2013-09-07 21:20:42
ymmud2013-09-07 21:36:23
数据另收2c/MB, 详情在这里