Oneshotkill2022-06-28 17:27:57
hellotom2022-06-28 18:40:04
This is one of the battery testers that I have. Easy to use.
ymmud2022-06-28 20:30:48
I saw some people already had their batteries for 6-7 years
ymmud2022-06-28 20:32:24
can you share the link for your tester? thanks
jassco2022-06-28 21:17:51
You can use a multimeter if
hellotom2022-06-28 21:36:04
I said I have the same one in your link.
chinomango2022-06-29 04:54:40
I recommend HT206D, read my blog
MoonRiverMe2022-06-29 06:32:59
Battery tester is the thing I need least
现金流2022-06-29 13:57:00
我有Harbor freight 的,只要是摩托车
位酷哥2022-06-30 01:51:59
这个是开玩笑用的。这么细的线10A了不起了,还2000A? 哈哈哈
chinomango2022-06-30 04:04:50
位酷哥2022-06-30 18:36:39