节气2013-09-20 05:16:49

which one should I choose as my future career: QA & Web developer? Which language should I learn?

I am thinking changing my career recently, but I don't have any experience and education in IT. I have finance and banking education and experience in Canada right now. Could everybody please give me some suggestions.
Thank you in advance.

S7Exam2013-09-20 05:46:46
回复:QA & Web developer
tianfangye2013-09-20 13:52:09
GuoLuke22013-09-20 15:06:36
GuoLuke22013-09-20 19:01:55
If you want to be a web developer, you need to learn html, css,
GuoLuke22013-09-20 19:06:23
Most importantly, Javascript
节气2013-09-20 20:26:37
回复:Most importantly, Javascript
GuoLuke22013-09-20 22:16:58
slow_quick2013-09-21 00:02:35
chat0922013-09-22 13:14:24
回复:If you want to be a web developer, you need to learn html, cs
节气2013-09-22 20:30:54
回复:回复:If you want to be a web developer, you need to learn html,