usinca2014-01-09 20:45:11
1. Please recommend a light weight yet powerful :) security software.
I used to have MS Security Essentials which downloaded updates for about an hour when I turned on the laptop every morning, despite the fact that I had changed setting to "download updates before scanning at 6PM every Friday." 
Now I have dian4 nao3 guan3 jia1 v8.6 installed, which is more than 200MB and pops up silly little messages all day long.

2. Chrome or Firefox?
This dell home edition has XP, IE8, but not a lot of memory or processing power.

GuoLuke22014-01-09 21:32:43
No security software is your security
usinca2014-01-09 21:45:59
I wouldn't dare to use a computer w/o security
slow_quick2014-01-09 21:58:41
first upgrade your pc to win7 then we can talk
usinca2014-01-09 22:05:36
回复:first upgrade your pc to win7 then we can talk
mfl2014-01-10 13:16:24
Flyboat2014-01-10 15:22:33
Custom install Avast!.Turn off Javascript in your browser.