jaydad2016-01-14 08:36:30


1) dead loop: automatic repair -> ... -> reset etc -> ... -> automatic repair;

2) F2 or F12 when rebooting, I got no option to set reboot sequence, all I could see was something like UEFI boot - this means I can't boot from CD/DVD, or USB;

3) device diagnostic says no hard drive;

4) at some point during all the trying, I could not remember where exactly, I was given "error code 0xc0000034";

5) all the websites, youtube tutorials, suggest to reboot from recovery tools, such as dvd or usb, but I DO NOT HAVE THIS CHOICE! Damn it!


I gave up after wasting more than 8 hours. 


Then I saw these negative threads about windows 10

- ban windows 10

- windows 10 update nightmare

- windows 10 update killed my laptop

- windows 10 class action lawsuit

and more


It's a Dell Inspiron 3148 2in1 laptop with intel i3 and 4gb memory that came with windows 8.1, only one year old. Now it's dead. How can you not hate microsoft? My son is in high school so he needs the computer as well as his data. 

Any suggestion from experts on this board?  Please don't suggest the ones I already tried, thank you and appreciate your time.  

用户名被占用了2016-01-14 11:55:48
jaydad2016-01-14 13:57:31
I'm fairly familiar with DOS, but just couldn't get to it
jaydad2016-01-14 15:49:06
Called Dell, hard drive error code 2000-0151, needs replacement
用户名被占用了2016-01-15 00:11:35
hot_powerz2016-01-15 05:16:36
现在来看WIN 10没什么大问题。只是UPDATE的做法比较激进。有一个大的UPDATE与重装整个系统一样,两三个小时。
dudaan2016-01-15 18:00:12
winxue112016-01-19 23:49:09
没看出Win10比7好到那里去. 东西都找不到.