neo112004-03-30 18:40:11
MS Excel 一开就死, Error message:

A fatal exception 0E occurred at 0177:BFF9DBA7. The current application will be terminated.
* Press any key to terminate the current application.
* Press CTRL+ALT+DEL again to restart your computer. You will lose any unsaved information in all applications.

病毒扫描没事, 磁盘碎片也重新整理过, MS Office也uninstall再reinstall, Windows Update也update了, 问题还是老样子, 怎么办?急死我了,各位大侠救命!
單身老貓2004-03-30 20:42:15
回复:MS Excel 一开就死, 各位大侠救命!
neo112004-03-31 01:30:30
回复:MS Excel 一开就死, 各位大侠救命!