中年大妈,年过半百,一直在大学实验室作实验员。近年机会越来越少且想转个稳定性好的工作。正好政府给拿EI的人办了这种免学费的IT速成班且不影响拿EI. 想学但有顾虑。第一:年龄性别,个人爱好和背景都不占优势,行业跨度大。第二:不知这种短训班能真正学到东西,胜任日后工作吗? 第三:如果将来不从事软件开发,这些入门知识可以用在生物科技,医学研究上吗?多谢指点。
Week One: Introduction to Python Programming
Weeks Two and Three: Web Page Construction Fundamentals
Week Four: Database Concepts
Weeks Five, Six and Seven: Web Application Development – Javascript and PHP
Weeks Seven and Eight: Software Project Concepts and Software Project
Software Project: In this course, learners conduct a system analysis, develop a project schedule, design and build a database and web-based software application prototype and prepare a proposal.? This content will continue in the final week of the program with an additional project.
Week Nine: Database Development
Weeks Nine to Fifteen: Rapid Application Development
Week Sixteen: Start Project Teams (Pitch It)
Week Seventeen: Software Project