帮忙估价?thank2004-04-19 22:54:13
5年前买的,两年前更新了一次:PIII450;384ram, geforce4 64mb graphic card (new),19'monitor (optiquest),cd RW (internal). i am thinking about sell for $500.
.500......2004-04-19 23:07:01
I think it is hard to sell at
.forluck..2004-04-19 23:07:37
maybe you can try ebay
扔了吧。。2004-04-19 23:18:02
你怎么离市场这么远? $25,还得给人搬家去
ThrowAway!2004-04-19 23:30:21
Very hard 2 get any$ 4 used PC
都扔了!2004-04-19 23:49:27
谢谢各位! 好,我九八那张卡留下,其他的
motherbord2004-04-20 02:26:01
y not upgrade? check your
flyboat2004-04-20 14:49:12
U can build a new computer
AllDepends2004-04-20 16:23:17
U can also buy a new 1 4
dlmovies2004-04-20 19:03:27
Don't listen to these
300刀你买吗?2004-04-21 00:29:50
回复:Don't listen to these
芝麻2004-04-22 19:48:50