cnt2004-04-28 17:06:13
Our company use outside IT company. I seem to offend them by doing too much programming related project eliminating some of their services. Now I could not go online anymore. I can get to company’s network and check company’s email. But I cannot get online using my own computer. I called several times; they came and still did not fix it. Any IT person can help me with step-by-step instruction (I am not an IT person)? We used Window 2000 professional. Thanks in advance.
喝醉了。。。。。2004-04-28 17:58:55
cnt2004-04-28 18:21:48
03562004-04-28 19:58:43
c蠢2004-04-28 20:22:01
你实在是高手, 是黑客吗?
好冷啊zzzzzz2004-04-28 21:13:30